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SAINT project partners have been busy marketing the slow adventures that have been developed through the project and developing a transnational...
Questions from 5th call applicants were answered by the Joint Secretariat staff, the video is available for watching on Facebook.
ALAV video produced for IMPROVE has been recognized on a national level as one of the most successful and interesting videos in its field.
Applicants to the 5th call are invited to join the Facebook live Q&A on 14th February from 11:00 to 11:30 (Copenhagen time).
The Gaeltacht Authority.
Are you interested in heritage and/or gaming and how each of these sectors can work more closely together? Then this event is for you. The day will...
The European Commission examined the final documentation and approved the closure of the NPP programme.
A Joint UK-EU report confirms that partners from the UK can continue to participate, and bid for funding in Interreg programmes for the remainder of...
The Gaeltacht Authority, partner in LECo project, meets SECURE’s project leaders to learn more about our outputs and activities.
The collaboration was seen as an opportunity to build on the successful engagements with local champions in the Letterkenny Cathedral Quarter.
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