More than 5 million EUR were allocated, bringing the total funding commitment to all types of projects to 13.104.380 eur, or 28% of the total programme budget for projects.
Three projects were approved under Priority 1- Innovation capacity, two under Priority 2 - Climate change and resource sufficiency.
For the first time, one small-scale project has been approved under Priority 3 – Cooperation opportunities: the project Arctic Stem Communities. High-quality STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) experience, skills and knowledge, are an urgent need for skill-building and adaptation. The project will facilitate collaborative partnerships between organisations, schools, industry, museums, libraries, families, individuals, to develop STEM skills in a community. Arctic Stem Communities will have a special emphasis on equity and access can help to empower and equip communities facing the challenges of the future.
The Lead Partners are based in Sweden (2), Ireland (2), Finland (1) and Iceland (1). Whereas the partnerships include organisations from Finland (7)), Ireland (5), Sweden (9), Sweden (4), the Faroe Islands (4), Iceland (4), and from Norway (3).
Congratulations to all the approved projects and best wishes for a successful cooperation!
Business Models Empowering Rural Social Entrepreneurship – voicing the rural norm
The project will transfer and develop better adapted business models, support structures and conditions for rural social enterprises. It will enhance transnational knowledge and learning of social enterprises, create networks to better connect social entrepreneurs with support. This goal is to achieve better opportunities for people who want to develop sustainable entrepreneurship and community services to promote a development where it is possible to live and work in the whole of NPA area.
Lead Partner: Mid Sweden University (SE)
Partners: Coompanion Co-operative Development (SE), KBT Vocational School (NO), The Gaeltacht Authority (IE), Westfjords Regional Development Office (IS), University of Helsinki (FI)
Total budget: 1.703.053,34 Eur of which 1.068.262,16 Eur NPA funding.
Literary Tourism Immersive Technology Acceleration
N-LiTe aims to deliver new innovative digital solutions/immersive digital experiences that support links into larger markets and further promote place-based literary tourism. By adopting a design-thinking approach & learning from Spot-lit and new partner countries, the project aims to deliver a new Digital Capacity Building Programme for SMEs & organisations, an International Literary Industry Tourism Symposium and Framework to embed durable, sectoral support from policymakers. N-Lite also works to securing a Digital Future by engaging with young people across the NPA through new creative literary technology.
Lead Partner: Western Development Commission (IE)
Partners: Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (FI) Regional Council of Kainuu (FI) Visit Tórshavn (FO) Västerbotten County Council (SE) The Nordland Museum (NO)
Total budget: 1.499.970,40 Eur of which 955.252,76 Eur NPA funding
Sustainable Arctic and Peripheral Biking Tourism
SUB project aims to transfer and develop entrepreneurial skills and sustainable business models in biking tourism in collaboration with micro and SMEs. SUB partners see biking tourism as an emerging sector having the potential to contribute to economic diversification and resilience in remote areas. Enhancing the economic growth of the local micro and SMEs will play a pivotal role in achieving growth and increasing employment. SUB will be used to develop the industry’ among the young generation.
Lead Partner: The Local Federation of East Lapland (FI)
Partners: LUKE - Natural Resources Institute Finland (FI) Federation of Regional Authorities NW Iceland (IS) Visit Torshavn (FO) Jämtland Härjedalen Tourism (SE) Donegal County Council (IE)
COmmunity based virtual POWER plant
The aim is to develop a community-based Virtual Power Plant (cVPP) and a viable business model to support it in 5 communities of Finland, Iceland, Ireland and Faroe Islands. The overall objective is to use transnational cooperation to exploit information technologies to link multiple small energy systems and operate them in coordination like a utility-scale power station to balance electricity demand and production.
Lead Partner: European Regions Network for the Application of Communications Technology (IE)
Partners: Centria University of Applied Sciences (FI) University of Oulu (FI) University of Iceland (IS) Donegal County Council (IE) Nolsoy Energy Ltd (FO)
Total budget: 1.498.935,40 Eur of which 974.308,01Eur NPA funding
Digital Action on Climate Change with Heritage Environments
Climate change presents a clear and present danger to the culture, heritage and life of communities in the NPA region. Heritage organisations are key actors in climate dialogue, motivating communities and visitors through awareness and action. Digital Action on Climate Change with Heritage Environments (DACCHE) facilitates the use of local knowledge and equips communities to preserve cultural landscapes, with digital solutions and methods for communication of climate stories, and actionable strategies for land restoration, instilling advocacy in the face of a rapidly changing environment.
Lead Partner: Jamtli Foundation (SE)
Partners: Aurora Borealis Multimedia AS (NO) Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute (IS) University of Iceland (IS) Donegal County Museum (IE) Faroe Islands National Museum (FO) Nordic Centre of Heritage Learning & Creativity svb (SE)
Total budget: 1.448.871,57 Eur of which 919.266,52 Eur NPA funding.
Empowering NPA Communities by Implementing STEM Ecosystems as a Tool for Navigating Change.
Due to the rapid changes rural NPA communities face, there is an urgent need for skill-building and adaptation. High-quality STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) experience, skills and knowledge, with a special emphasis on equity and access can help to empower and equip communities facing the challenges of the future. This project proposes to use the evidence-based U.S. STEM Ecosystems model to strengthen the organizational capacity among NPA communities and empower communities to build skills for the 21st century.
Lead Partner: Husavik Academic Center (IS)
Partners: LUMA Centre Finland (FI) University of Galway (IE)
Total budget: 197.490,00 Eur of which 128.368,50 Eur NPA funding