Discover the achievements of the 2014-2020 NPA projects
Seven years of cooperation between people, communities, and organisations across thousands of kilometres made a difference in the Northern Periphery and Arctic regions.
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School nurses, school psychologists, and social pedagogues have used a video conferencing system called VideoVisit to consult child´s behaviour with professionals at Kuopio University Hospital. The system brings more timely care to children as the primary healthcare staff can immediately consult the experts. To support the use of the system, the project distributed loud speakers and webcams to more than 100 primary healthcare providers. Through tutored peer groups, school nurses and child psychiatrists exchanged practices and experiences on working with children with psychiatric disorders.

Minna Pölkki
expert in child psychiatryThanks to the services developed, specialized child psychiatric healthcare and primary healthcare have come closer together and become more aware of each other’s work methods, resources, possibilities, and limitations. Networking has occurred also between professionals working with children and families. Video conferencing has facilitated collaboration and joint intervention to families suffering from child psychiatric issues. Adopting and instilling new methods takes time and repetition.