National controllers and controllers

Controllers refers to the task of checking that all project expenditure is eligible according to the NPA Eligibility Rules, European regulations and national legislation. Guidance for controllers is available at this link.

The procedures for controllers vary from one programme partner country to another. Each partner should refer to the control system of the country where it is located as described in the Programme Manual.

Sweden, Finland, Ireland, and Iceland operate with a centralised  system, having one or few nationally appointed Controllers.  Norway, Faroe Islands, and Greenland operate with a decentralised  system, where partners need to get their controller of choice approved by a National Controller.

The National Controllers are listed below.

The Faroe Islands have a decentralised control system. 
Ms Gunnleyg Árnafjall
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
E-mail: gunnleyga{at}
Finland has a centralised control system.
Ms Marika Kipinoinen
Regional Council of Lapland
E-mail: marika.kipinoinen{at}

Ms Kirsi Pulkamo
Regional Council of Lapland
Email: kirsi.pulkamo{at} 
Greenland has a decentralised control system. 
Ms Dorthe Paaske Rasmussen
Government of Greenland, Ministry of Business and Trade
E-mail: dopa{at}
Iceland has a centralised control system.
Ms Erla Hrund Þórarinsdóttir
Icelandic Regional Development Institute 
E-mail: erlahrund{at}  

Mr Magnús Helgason
Icelandic Regional Development Institute 
E-mail: magnus{at}

Ireland has a centralised control system.
Mr Michael Buckley, Auditor
Southern Regional Assembly
E-mail: flc{at}
Ms Carmel Carrick , Auditor
Northern and Western Regional Assembly
Norway has a decentralised control system.
Mr. Knut-Ove Nordås, Senior Executive Officer
Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation
Email: Knut-ove.nordas{at}
Sweden has a centralised control system.
Mr Urban Karlsson, National Controller
County Administrative Board of Västerbotten
E-mail: urban.karlsson{at}