Interreg NPA 2021-2027 Fourth Call

The Interreg NPA 2021-2027 Fourth Call for main project applications is open from 11th October 2023 to 2nd February 2024 12:00 CET (noon). All applicants should read the 4th Call for projects Terms of Reference.

The 4th Call for projects opens for all three Priorities. Besides main projects in priority 1 and 2, Interreg NPA is looking forward to funding main and small-scale capacity building projects in Priority 3.

PRIORITY 1: Strengthening the innovation capacity for resilient and attractive NPA communities

1.1 - Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies
1.2 - Reaping the benefits of digitisation for citizens, companies, research organisations and public authorities and
Please note: Specific Objective 1.3 is not open for new project applications, due to meeting the targeted number of approved projects in this specific objective.

PRIORITY 2: Strengthening the capacity for climate change adaptation, and resource sufficiency in NPA communities

2.1 - Promoting energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions
2.2 - Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience, taking into account ecosystem-based approaches and
2.3 - Promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy

PRIORITY 3: Strengthening the organisational capacity among NPA communities to make use of cooperation opportunities

3.1 – Enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders to implement macro-regional strategies and sea-basin strategies, as well as other territorial strategies

Priority 3 thematic focus

The novelty of Priority 3, is that it aims to build the cooperation capacity and experience among the stakeholders in the NPA area, leading to the development of more resilient communities. Actions funded in this priority are developing and transferring concepts to engage stakeholders in cooperation based on local knowledge, and supporting them to implement strategies for Northern Periphery and Arctic regions.

Note: In Priority 3, the Monitoring Committee invites both main and small-scale projects to build capacity in cooperation in particular focusing on the following topics and target groups.

In this call, the Monitoring Committee invites Priority 3 project partnerships to build capacity in cooperation by focusing on the following topics and target groups.

  1. Increase preparedness and resilience of NPA communities
    Projects addressing this topic will share experience and build capacity towards one or more of the following subjects: (1) Operations of search & rescue, (2) Building preparedness of local communities, and (3) Security of supplies.
    Municipalities and networks of municipalities were seen by the MC as target groups of particular relevance in these fields.

  2. Preserve and experience the unique heritage of the NPA regions
    Projects in this topic will share experience and build capacity towards one or more of the following subjects: (1) Culture and cultural heritage, (2) Natural heritage, (3) Traditional knowledge and minority languages, (4) Local food resources and how to increase their awareness and use, and (4) Tourism. Networks of Saami and Inuit communities were seen by the MC as target groups of particular relevance in these fields.

  3. Increase the wellbeing of people living in the NPA regions
    Projects in this topic will share experience and build capacity towards one or more of the following subjects: (1) Improve health and healthcare/care services in the community, and (2) Mental health including addressing isolation and loneliness.
    Underrepresented groups such as young people, vulnerable people, and indigenous communities were seen by the MC as target groups of particular relevance in these fields.

  4. Attract skills and talents needed in the NPA regions
    NPA regions have driven innovation, capacity, and leadership in ‘Green technologies and solutions’ with significant investments in innovation in the industrial, transport and building sectors, as well as efforts towards behaviour change.
    Projects in this topic will share experience and build capacity towards one or more of the following subjects: (1) Job and skills demands in the transformative processes of the green and just transition, (2) Meeting the needs of transforming communities, and (3) Attraction and retention of different skills and talents.
    No specific target groups were specially highlighted by the MC, but a broad involvement of different stakeholders is expected.

  5. Enable youth to shape the NPA regions
    Projects addressing this topic will share experience and build capacity towards one or more of the following subjects: (1) Increasing youth participation in regional development processes, (2) Establishing valuable youth networks/initiatives in view of impacting on regional and local development, and (3) connecting youth councils/ indigenous youth organisations across peripheral areas.
    Youth organisations and organisations working with youth engagement were seen by the MC as target groups of particular relevance in these fields.

Project budget, duration and partnership

Main projects are expected to have an average budget of 1.500.000 EUR and run for 3 years. Small-scale capacity building projects applying under Priority 3 have a total budget of no more than 200.000 EUR (handled as a lump sum), and run for 18 months.

Both main and small-scale projects under Priority 3 must involve partners from at least 3 programme partner countries, at least one of which is from an EU Member State. Partnerships are also recommended to include at least 2 of the 3 geographical zones of the Programme area: Finland/Sweden/Norway; Ireland; Faroe Islands/Greenland/Iceland. Lead Partners have to be a public sector organisation, based in the NPA Programme area; unless they have a national remit that covers the Programme Area.

NOTE: Funding is running low in a number of Non-Member State countries!
Applicants from Non-Member States are strongly advised to check if there are any national restrictions to budget levels and programme match funding, for example by checking national information websites, or by contacting their Regional Contact Point. Please be aware that the participation of Faroese partner organisations is subject to the availability of funds from the Faroe Islands.

How to submit an application

Applications must be submitted through the NPA electronic monitoring system (Jems), which is available at the link: The application pack with all necessary supporting documents can be found on the right-hand side of this webpage.

Note: You can submit applications until 11:59 (noon) on 2nd February 2024, Copenhagen time (CET). Please take time zone differences into account!


Application package

To guide applicants in the application process, the programme has developed a set of supporting materials included in the Application pack. Applicants should carefully read all supporting documents to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Programme rules, conditions for funding and functioning of the new electronic monitoring system.

The Application package includes:


Mandatory Application Annexes

The Lead Partner statement and the Partner statement are obligatory annexes to be completed, signed by the legal representative of each partner organisation and uploaded in Jems with your submitted project application.

Brief information about the Interreg NPA 2021-2027 programme in comparison to the NPA 2014-2020 can be found at this link.


Decisions on projects approval

The NPA Monitoring Committee will decide on Second Call applications at their next meeting in May 2024.

Project and Partnership Development Support

Several online events are scheduled to support project applicants develop their application:

  • October 11th - 14.00- 15.00 CET Online call launch event. Register here.
  • During November and December, individual online project clinics and in-person meetings with a NPA Desk Officer. A booking link will be made available.
  • December 13th, 2023 - “How to complete a Jems application” webinar via Zoom, 13:00 – 15:00 (CET) Register here

If you are interested in applying, we recommend that you register to the events above and are in touch with the Regional Contact Point in your region. In addition, you can contact Christopher Parker at the Joint Secretariat, christopher.parker{at}