
To ensure a good monitoring of the project implementation, Main projects are expected to submit a Project Report on a 6-monthly basis. A Project Report contains both activity and financial information.The financial information should be verified by a Controller.

There are 2 types of reports a project has to complete:

  • Partner Report: this report is filled out by each partner, including the Lead Partner. It contains both activity information and financial information. The partner report is submitted by each partner to  Controller in Jems.
  • Project Report: this report is filled out by the Lead Partner. It contains both activity information, and financial information based on the Control certificates from the partners. The project report is submitted by the Lead Partner to the Programme in Jems.

Partner and Project Reports should be submitted to the programme through the electronic monitoring system Jems, which is available on the link below.

More information about partner and project reporting can be found in the Jems User Manual and Chapter 4.4 of the Programme Manual

Please check the National and First Level Controllers page to find contact details and instructions.

Normally, projects have 3 months from the end of the reporting period, until they submit their Project Report to the Programme. Inside this period, Controllers have 2 months to carry out their work. Note: due to the development of the Jems system reporting deadlines are shifted based on the availability of the features in Jems.

Once submitted, the Project Report enters a process of assessment by the Joint Secretariat and the Managing Authority. For Project Reports that are complete, the assessment period takes maximum 80 days. If the Project Report is accepted, the payment is made to the Lead Partner, after which the Grant is distributed to the project partners. If any information is missing, the programme bodies will ask the project for clarifications.

Jems is a programme monitoring system which allows programmes to collect and store all necessary project and programme information and communicate with beneficiaries electronically via a secure online communication portal. INTERACT has developed this software for the benefit of all Interreg programmes.

Guidance documents are available on the right-hand side. 

For any problems you might experience with the Jems, please contact jems{at} You can submit a request with your specific problem, which will be dealt with by a Joint Secretariat staff member. 

Disclaimer: Jems is a new system for both the programme and the projects, and it is partially still under development. For this reason, we ask for your understanding in case something should not work quite as it should.