By 17th November 2023, the Monitoring Committee of the Interreg NPA 2021-2027 programme approved 15 Main projects, 1 small scale project and 24 Preparatory projects.

Download a detailed list of contracted projects (xls). Download the List of Operations in machine readable format: list of projects, list of partners. Note: the latest approved projects will show in the List of Operations once contracted.




The overall project aim is to develop and pilot a technology transfer model that supports companies in the NPA area in the adoption of smart manufacturing and I4.0 technologies for business development.

Lead partner: Centria University of Applied Sciences


  • Sligo Leitrim ITS Regional Development Projects DAC (IE)
  • UiT The Arctic University of Norway (SE)
  • Luleå University of Technology, with ProcessIT Innovations (SE)
  • T2 Trä och teknikcollege I Skellefteå (SE)
  • Kokkolanseudun Kehitys Ltd (FI)

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INNOCAP’s overall objective is to provide enhanced quality and sustainable public services by enabling public sector organisations to lead the adoption of disruptive innovations and digital technologies.

Lead partner: European Regions Network for the Application of Communications Technology (Ireland)


  • Donegal County Council (IE)
  • National University of Ireland, Galway (IE)
  • Association of Municipalities of the South Iceland (IS)
  • University of Helsinki with City of Mikkeli (FI)
  • Association of Local Authorities Västernorrland (SE)

With a large network of associated partners.

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SMEs, and in particular sustainability-focused SMEs, in the NPA face more challenges to achieving success than typical SMEs. Target Circular’s objective is to create resources for, and upskill, business support organisations and clusters in: 1. Supporting circular SMEs specifically, 2. Address opportunities for innovation and expansion of service provision to SMEs, and 3. Capitalise on new evidence regarding how best to improve SME rates of job creation, growth, and competitiveness.

Lead partner: Munster Technological University (Ireland) 


  • Community Enterprise Association Ireland and Donegal County Council (IE)
  • Ludgate Operations CLG (IE)
  • Federation of Regional Authorities North west Iceland (IS)
  • Biotech North (NO)
  • Centria University of Applied Sciences Ltd (FI)
  • Kokkolanseudun Kehitys Ltd (FI)
  • Strukturum i Jokkmokk AB (SE)

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This project GLOW2.0 will apply a Green Business Model to pilot and learn how to develop sustainability methodologies in SMEs with a focus on companies and social enterprises serving the Dark Nights Tourism Economy.

Lead Partner: Karelia University of Applied Sciences (Finland)


  • The Gaeltacht Authority (IE)
  • Innovation and Management Centre WestBIC (IE)
  • Federation of Regional Authorities North West Iceland (IS)
  • UiT The Arctic University of Norway(NO)
  • Federation of Northern Lapland municipalities (Sodankylä, Inari, Utsjoki)(SE)

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The project will transfer and develop better adapted business models, support structures and conditions for rural social enterprises. It will enhance transnational knowledge and learning of social enterprises, create networks to better connect social entrepreneurs with support. This goal is to achieve better opportunities for people who want to develop sustainable entrepreneurship and community services to promote a development where it is possible to live and work in the whole of NPA area.

Lead Partner: Mid Sweden University (SE)


  • Coompanion Co-operative Development (SE),
  • KBT Vocational School (NO),
  • The Gaeltacht Authority (IE),
  • Westfjords Regional Development Office (IS),
  • University of Helsinki (FI)

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N-LiTe aims to deliver new innovative digital solutions/immersive digital experiences that support links into larger markets and further promote place-based literary tourism. By adopting a design-thinking approach & learning from Spot-lit and new partner countries, the project aims to deliver a new Digital Capacity Building Programme for SMEs & organisations, an International Literary Industry Tourism Symposium and Framework to embed durable, sectoral support from policymakers. N-Lite also works to securing a Digital Future by engaging with young people across the NPA through new creative literary technology.

Lead Partner: Western Development Commission (IE)


  • Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (FI)
  • Regional Council of Kainuu (FI)
  • Visit Tórshavn (FO)
  • Västerbotten County Council (SE)
  • The Nordland Museum (NO)

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(N-Lite in Finnish)

SUB project aims to transfer and develop entrepreneurial skills and sustainable business models in biking tourism in collaboration with micro and SMEs. SUB partners see biking tourism as an emerging sector having the potential to contribute to economic diversification and resilience in remote areas. Enhancing the economic growth of the local micro and SMEs will play a pivotal role in achieving growth and increasing employment. SUB will be used to develop the industry’ among the young generation.

Lead Partner: The Local Federation of East Lapland (FI)


  • LUKE - Natural Resources Institute Finland (FI)
  • Federation of Regional Authorities NW Iceland (IS)
  • Visit Torshavn (FO) Jämtland Härjedalen Tourism (SE)
  • Donegal County Council (IE)

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The project combines the concept of ‘Living Labs’ and the roll out of innovative tools to establish dedicated Decarbonisation Zones (DZ) in rural and peripheral regions. Through the Living Lab projects partners will build citizen knowledge and understanding about the importance and benefits of decarbonisation.

Lead partner: Nordland Research Institute (NO)


  • Cork County Council, with Atlantic Seaboard South, Climate Action Regional Office (CARO) (IE)
  • Secure and Fix It Enterprises T/A NCE Insulation, with Carbery Housing Association CLG and The Carbon Club (IE)
  • University College Cork - National University of Ireland (IE)
  • Tórshavn municipality (FO)
  • National Energy Authority (IS)
  • Bodø Municipality (NO)
  • City of Umeå, with AB Bostaden (SE)
  • Umeå University (SE)

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The frost resistance issue is likely the biggest challenge/obstacle in reducing the carbon footprint of concrete. Ar2CorD will focus on the optimisation of low carbon concrete (LCC) with the use of established and non-established locally available supplementary cementitious materials (SCM), with substitution of minimally 30% of portland cement. The solutions to the issues created by the freeze-thaw cycle encountered in Arctic conditions will be addressed to achieve a suitable evaluation system for LCC.

Lead partner: UiT, The Arctic University of Norway with Betongfokus and Betong Norge - Precast concrete association (NO)


  • Permagreen Grønland A/S (GL)
  • Reykjavik University with Housing and Construction Authority (IS)
  • BM Vallá ehf. (IS)
  • University of Oulu, with Ruskon Betoni Oy and Suomen betoniyhdistys ry (FI)
  • Lulea University of Technology (SE)
  • Concrete Industry (SE)

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When fishing nets are approaching their end-of-life (EOL), the nets should be collected and disposed appropriately. Setting up a collection network in the demanding NPA circumstances requires extra efforts from all of those involved. On the other hand, this offers also an opportunity to recycle and eventually also reuse the collected materials. The main outcome of the projects is a Blueprint for collection, treatment and reuse of EOL fishing gear for the NPA region and in delivering this CIRCNETS also prepares the stakeholders involved in fishing business for the implementation of the legislative changes.

Lead partner: University of Oulu


  • Western Development Commission (IE)
  • National University of Ireland Galway (IE)
  • Marine Ecological Solutions with Kaldera Group Ltd (IS)
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology  (NO)
  • Municipality of Sotenäs (SE)

Associated partners: Vonin Ltd, Keep Sweden Tidy and Laitakari Fish Ltc (FI) , with Arctic Technology Center and Norwegian Plastics Recycling Company (NOPREC)

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ENFORCE aims to develop a resource efficient wastewater management model that will reduce water and environmental footprint of wastewater treatment provisions in the region to ensure sustainability.

Lead partner: UiT, The Arctic University of Norway


  • University of Ireland Galway (IE)
  • University of Faroe Islands with the Environment Agency (FO)
  • Arctic Experts (NO)

Associated partners: Inter-municipal political council for Lofoten and Narvik Sustainable Technologies AS (NO)

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The aim is to develop a community-based Virtual Power Plant (cVPP) and a viable business model to support it in 5 communities of Finland, Iceland, Ireland and Faroe Islands. The overall objective is to use transnational cooperation to exploit information technologies to link multiple small energy systems and operate them in coordination like a utility-scale power station to balance electricity demand and production.

Lead Partner: European Regions Network for the Application of Communications Technology (IE)


  • Centria University of Applied Sciences (FI)
  • University of Oulu (FI)
  • University of Iceland (IS)
  • Donegal County Council (IE)
  • Nolsoy Energy Ltd (FO)

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Climate change presents a clear and present danger to the culture, heritage and life of communities in the NPA region. Heritage organisations are key actors in climate dialogue, motivating communities and visitors through awareness and action. Digital Action on Climate Change with Heritage Environments (DACCHE) facilitates the use of local knowledge and equips communities to preserve cultural landscapes, with digital solutions and methods for communication of climate stories, and actionable strategies for land restoration, instilling advocacy in the face of a rapidly changing environment.

Lead Partner: Jamtli Foundation (SE)


  • Aurora Borealis Multimedia AS (NO)
  • Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute (IS)
  • University of Iceland (IS)
  • Donegal County Museum (IE)
  • Faroe Islands National Museum (FO)
  • Nordic Centre of Heritage Learning & Creativity svb (SE)

Northern periphery areas (NPA) represent the final frontier where cereal cultivation can still be expanded in Northern Europe. The project’s objective is to increase possibilities for oat cultivation within the NPA region. Oat is selected because it has well recognized positive health effects and its consumption for food is increasing and oat is also a resilient crop.

By piloting diverse oat material over the different environments of the NPA, networks of local farmers and co-operatives are made aware of the existing and future good-yielding and stress-tolerant cultivars with high quality.

Lead Partner: Natural Resources Institute Finland (FI)


  • Agricultural University of Iceland (IS)
  • Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NO)
  • Graminor Ltd. (NO)
  • Lantmannen (SE)
  • Teagasc – Agriculture and Food Development Authority (IE)
  • University College Dublin (IE)
  • Boreal Plant Breeding Ltd. (FI)
  • Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NO)
  • Lund university (SE)


Due to climate change, the shifts between cold and mild during winter will become more frequent, winds will most likely become stronger and flawy, and the rainfall will increase. In addition, air humidity will increase. The effect of changing ambient conditions on the surface of various building wall structures will be studied using wind behaviour simulations to identify which locations in different shape of buildings are the most probable targets to extra moisture load. The project will lead to the next generation buildings and architectural designs for climate smart future.

Lead partner: UiT The Arctic University of Norway (NO)


  • Civil Engineering (CIV) and Environmental and Chemical Engineering (ECE) Research Units Faculty of Technology (FI)
  • Reykjavik University (IS)
  • Umeå University (SE)
  • Nuuk Architects & Planners a/s (GL)



Due to the rapid changes rural NPA communities face, there is an urgent need for skill-building and adaptation. High-quality STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) experience, skills and knowledge, with a special emphasis on equity and access can help to empower and equip communities facing the challenges of the future. This project proposes to use the evidence-based U.S. STEM Ecosystems model to strengthen the organizational capacity among NPA communities and empower communities to build skills for the 21st century.

Lead Partner: Husavik Academic Center (IS)


  • LUMA Centre Finland (FI)
  • University of Galway (IE)


The purpose of preparatory projects is to develop project ideas in a more specific and focused direction, to examine the need for the project outputs among end users and stakeholders and to build up transnational partnerships. This means that ideally preparatory projects conclude with the presentation of a main project application by the end date of a call for main project proposals.