Programme and project news

A year into their project, some First Call Interreg NPA projects share their progress!


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During the Christmas holiday period, the Joint Secretariat and Managing Authority will not be fully staffed.

Joint Secretariat

Planned vacations...

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Interreg NPA Jems online system is now ready to receive the 1st project report of Main projects.

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Interreg NPA Jems online system is now ready to receive the final reports of closed preparatory projects.

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The Monitoring Committee of the Interreg NPA approved 8 preparatory projects with the aim of developing high quality Main project applications.

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The Interreg NPA annual conference NORTHERN SKILLS: Navigating the future NPA took place on 8th November 2023 in Skellefteå, Sweden.

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It is now possible to perform the control work on submitted partner reports in Jems.

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The Monitoring Committee decided to extend the duration of the Fourth Call for main projects. New dates were also agreed for the Fifth Call, while...

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With the latest upgrade of our Jems system, it is now possible for partners of Main projects to submit their first partner report

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This year, the Interreg NPA Annual Event will look at how cooperation projects can support reskilling, attracting, and retaining the needed workforce...

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