8th Call for projects Pre-announcement

In early 2021 a new Clustering call for projects will offer the possibility to diverisfy and capitalise on project outputs and results.


On December 8th, the NPA Monitoring Committee (MC) approved a Clustering project call. Clustering projects are preparatory projects that combine 2 or more previously successful and ongoing NPA main projects.
The call will be launched on January 15th, 2021. The following is a "pre-announcement".  

The Clustering call offers a unique opportunity to diversify and to capitalise on outputs and results; further integrating results as well as disseminating their impacts. Thus, reaching a wider group of stakeholders with project outputs, supplementary learning and capacity building. Clustering projects will follow the preparatory project implementation model using the "Lump sum principle".  

The MC is looking to fund projects in all Priority Axes with a minimum of 2 ongoing or finalised NPA projects, where the NPA Lead Partners are from 2 different Programme partner countries, at least one of which is an EU Member State, and if appropriate, a new partner(s) from projects funded by other Interreg programmes provided that there are clear synergies.  

The MC encourages the inclusion of the following:  

  • Projects to explore transferring of project outputs to other organisations, sectors and/or regions, for example disseminating result and outputs beyond their ongoing or completed project activities.
  • Projects to maximize the transnational impact of existing outputs on local level end users or widening the preparedness for transnational cooperation to other beneficiaries, for example by organising collaboration initiatives that connect end users across regions, and activities.
  • Projects to increase the awareness of the transnational added value and the potential of transnational cooperation. The establishment of a lasting network could be one such activity for example.
  • Projects with complementary skill sets to focus on improving (the uptake of) project outputs.
  • Projects to gain critical mass to inform decision makers by clustering. 

Project Budget: Indicative budget up to 153.846 EUR at the regular intervention rates of programme partner countries.

Lump sum grant: Maximum ERDF grant of 100.000 EUR plus Non Member State grants on case by case basis. Lump sums are awarded on condition that match funding is included for ERDF partners and does not exceed 100.000 EUR of public support. If planning to include external funding sources as match funding, it is strongly recommended to contact the Secretariat beforehand. Note: Partners from Scotland and Northern Ireland should apply for ERDF co-financing.

Project duration: 12 months  

More details will be officially announced with the Terms of Reference and application guidance on January 15th, 2021. A webinar is planned to take place on 27th January.   In the meantime, if you have any enquiries please contact christopher.parker{at}interreg-npa.eu