Programme and project news

The Annual Implementation Report for the year 2017 was approved by the European Commission.

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The Sixth Call for Applications closed on 30th November. By the deadline, the Joint Secretariat received 25 admissible applications.

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For many starting a sustainable business activity it may seem that you have to do it all yourself. But rest assured. You are not alone. There are most...

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Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published its latest report: Business Finance in the Arctic -Analysis of access to finance for SMEs and...

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We need your input to track our impact. Please complete this short survey so we can measure energy awareness levels in our regions!

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We are happy and proud to lauch the new, beautiful visual images of ARCTISEN-Project.

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During the Christmas holiday period, the Joint Secretariat and Managing Authority will not be fully staffed.

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The SECURE partnership is preparing the final version of the project energy and carbon baseline study.

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Keep up to date with the progress of the CLIMATE project.

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The closing conference will take place in Northern Ireland, in March 2019, hosted by Derry City and Strabane District Council.

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