Programme and project news

A project to explore innovative business models for citizen centric public services.

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A project to identify new innovative models for participative, user-centred, quality and sustainable public services.

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A project to identify new innovative models for participative, user-centred, quality and sustainable public services.

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W-Power started in 2018 to overcome the challenges of remoteness and rurality faced by women-led businesses in sparsely populated areas, but COVID-19...

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Are you looking for educational material to enlighten your students about the Arctic? Look no further...

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A project that stresses on the importance of involving end-users in the development of meaningful digital services.

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When suddenly more or less all of Europe found itself on lockdown, a group of experts from the NPA programme area decided to work together to better...

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The cold climate, large-scale industries, a high share of electric heating and long distances drive energy consumption in Nordic environments. The...

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Adapt Northern Heritage publishes the programme of its conference on 05 & 06 May 2020 - free, international, virtual

With 29 speakers in 9 sessions,...

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The last winter was not an average one - at least not in the Nordic Countries.

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