Programme and project news

Following on from the SMARTrenew energy upgrades at Milford PSC by Donegal County Council , the public authority has now completed an extensive...

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On Thursday 21st of October, six of the energy pathfinder project team travelled to North Ronaldsay island to visit the Lighthouse keeper’s cottage,...

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On Wednesday the 20th of October the energy pathfinder team went to visit to Guides Cottage on Kirkwall, Orkney islands. We received a warm welcome...

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The energy pathfinder project partners travelled to Kirkwall in the Orkney Islands for 3 days of meetings and study visits in October. This trip was...

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On the 9th of December, Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme funded GREENER project hosted the 1st Good Energy Practice Seminar of the partnership,...

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From the EU Commission DG Culture, a new webtool to ease access to funding opportunities.

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SMARTrenew partner Ragnar Ásmundsson, of the Icelandic Energy Fund presented the Ocean Energy pilot at the GREENER NPA Cluster "Good Energy Practices"...

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The NPA 20214-2020 Monitoring Committee met on 8th December online, to decide on the projects applications submitted for the Bridging Call targeting...

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The second ETRAC webinar, Responsible marketing, will be held on Thursday 3rd February at 15:00 CET

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Goal is to reduce food waste to 50% by 2030.

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