Programme and project news

In 2020, the world had to adapt to a pandemic, and so did the Arctic Awards. For the first time in 4 years, the two Arctic Award winners are announced...

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SMARTrenew partner, Orkusetur, is an energy agency within the National Energy Authority in Iceland.

A design concept for heat extraction from cold...

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The W-Power -project looked again for new business ideas to support female entrepreneurship.

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Meet SMARTrenew partner, Sanna Hiltunen, of the Oulu University of Applied Science

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The recording of the LECo final conference has been published:

Please, enjoy a large information...

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SMARTrenew partner, Donegal County Council, has recently installed 32no. photo-voltaic solar panels to the 3rd floor roof area of the County House,...

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The Environment Agency of Faroe Islands will provide real-time data on green energy to encourage people to invest in solar panels and heat pump...

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Energy Pathfinder's second newsletter provides an update on recent project activities.

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SMARTrenew November Insights

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In Issue 7(November 2020) of the PLACE-EE newsletter you can read all about our closing events and outputs. The project partners reflect on their...

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