Programme and project news

Project manager Ragnheiður Inga Þórarinsdóttir held a presentation about the status of the Smart-Fish research project during the conference Blue...

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Ecology Action Centre delivered a fruitful presentation about the ways that Nova Scotia is leading in some energy and environmental policies.

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Our project partners from Ireland believe that staff engagement is key to achieving improvements in their energy performance.

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Our project partners from Ireland got this international Energy Management Standard.

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As a continuous drive to improve energy performance, DCC is targeting staff to switch off all devices on the last Tuesday of every month.

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Complying with ISO 50001 energy management system, Donegal County Council is committed to achieving energy performance improvements of 33%

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The IMPROVE team offered to the audience the possibility to share their opinion by using the ‘Poll Everywhere’ service.

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The Annual Conference will address topics as innovation related to fisheries, aquaculture, environmental protection and maritime and coastal tourism.

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The Annual Conference will address topics as entrepreneurship and innovation related to fisheries and aquaculture, environmental protection and...

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PLACE-EE partners gathered in Northern Ireland on 12 September 2017 to launch the project.

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