Programme and project news

Landsverk's Approach to Sustainability, Retrofitting of the Historical Vicarage of Viðareiði

The vicarage of Viðareiði, which is the most northern...

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"This is an innovative pilot that will be easily replicated in other regions", explain partners in Northern Ireland.

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A practical roadmap for the development of community owned ‘Energy Villages’ has been produced and published by LECo-project. The roadmap takes into...

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The staff of the Joint Secretariat will be working from home in accordance with the measures taken by the Danish Government for limiting the spread...

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The COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation is affecting NPA projects as well as the programme bodies. In the past few days, many projects have approached us...

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Luleå University of Technology has a specific focus on applied research together with industry, and has a strong relationship to manufacturing...

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Lapland UAS will share potential solutions and tools that could be integrated in project's SEMM.

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Are people aware of the cyber risks? How can they protect their businesses? #CyberNorth brought into the spotlight cyber behavior and security tips.

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What have we learned from the first benchmarking trip to Greenland? What kind of ideas, epiphanies and inspiration were born during the trip? Visit...

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The Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme is pleased to announce the dates for its 2020 Annual Conference on 23rd September 2020 in Oulu in Finland....

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