Programme and project news

Taking and publishing 360-degree photos is at basic level very simple. It doesn’t require special technical skills. Editing a 360 photo is also simple...

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SMARCTIC aims to bring intelligent solutions by using SMART technology and visualisation tools to reduce energy usage.

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Material to increase awareness about digital information security for SMEs.

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A framework to guide the organisations that want to involve communities in the definition and provision of the public services.

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Marketing is highly important for breweries, since the products in the beer industry are often very close substitutes to each other. Waahto Brewery, a...

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How do average daylight hours and temperature affect energy consumption within indoor environments during the warmest months in Sweden?

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Discover the computer program which conducts a conversation via auditory or textual methods to assist public service providers!

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The latest news from the SW-GROW project can be found below.

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Complementing traditional services, apps such as ChatPal can help people in remote areas to support self-care and better manage their own wellbeing....

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The NPA Programme Secretariat approved the Technology Solutions thematic "Impact on COVID-19 from Technology Solutions in NPA Regions " - TechSolns...

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