Programme and project news

The NPA projects APP4SEA and C.L.I.M.A.T.E featured in the latest publication of the Network of Climate Change and Risks

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During 2020, the NPA will be well represented in different activities celebrating 30 years of Interreg, both individually and together with other...

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The SMARCTIC project embarks on developing pilots as a testbed for new SMART Energy Management Model (SEMM).

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Undergraduate students on the Interactive Media course at Ulster University, have been working with local businesses in the Causeway Coast and Glens...

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SMARCTIC partners have developed a new SMART Energy Management Model (SEMM) for the NPA region.

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The Ulster University team attended multiple events in Northern Ireland in January and February 2020 to disseminate the project to the general public,...

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Has already caught a lot of attention in the local news and radio in Norrbotten, Sweden.

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2020 is the last year of the CINE project: a time to polish our reconstructions, test our tools with our communities and others interested in heritage...

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Adapt Northern Heritage is another project supported by the Interreg Program for the Northern Periphery and Arctic region. The project supports...

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Oil spills can wipe out whole bird populations, if they occur near important bird colonies. What makes oil so lethal to birds?

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