Programme and project news

This is an update about the consequences of the Brexit for applicants targeting the Fourth Call. It has been decided by the Monitoring Committee...

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Our project has been presented in Akureyri, Iceland.

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In September the RYE partnership travelled to Reykjavik, Iceland where the RYE partners took the opportunity to meet with two of the Icelandic...

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During the partner meeting in Derry/Londonderry, the partners got the chance to visit a local community group with multiple renewable installations.

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"Mitäpä se hyvejää" is common way of thinking in the Kainuu region of Finland. Basically it means it is not worth the effort to try anything. However,...

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The IMPROVE partners have held many local conferences, lectures, workshops, training sessions and meetings in Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland,...

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In August 2016 the RYE Connect project signed up with another associate parter from Oulu, Finland. 

Business Kitchen is an open meeting and learning...

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RYE Connect has had a busy few months visiting schools and colleges across Northern Ireland to deliver RYE Connect Pre-Start Workshops.

Schools and...

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The Circular Ocean project has been nominated as one of 23 finalists for the RegioStars Awards 2016, in the category Sustainable Growth: Circular...

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Our partner Donegal County Council (Ireland) has launched a campaign in an effort to reduce its energy consumption.

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