Programme and project news

Our online benchmark series started April 26 from Northern Norway with the theme: Representing culture - Moving away from stereotypes. This digital...

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New service contents by implementing technological solutions in Rovaniemi, with the SMARCTIC project.

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Watch our new animated video to learn more about the Energy Pathfinder Project and its aims.

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The April 2021 edition of the Future Earth Coast news letter has featured two aspects of the COAST project.

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Miksi naisia on Suomessakin yrittäjistä vain kolmannes, eikä osuus ole juuri kasvanut viimeiseen kahteenkymmeneen vuoteen?

Eikö tarjottava tuki...

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SMARTrenew partner, Donegal County Council, is inviting registrations of interest from local communities in joining the Decarbonising Journey of...

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The Northword team in Scotland is now welcoming applications from creatives based in the Highlands and Islands.

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Digi2Market collaborated with a certified processing company, Vörusmiðja Biopol, in a 360 virtual tour, which showed the facility and the processing...

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Join the online public event about coastal planning in the Westfjords May 5th, 2021

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The Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme is pleased to announce the date for its 2021 Annual Conference on 27th October 2021 online from Sligo in...

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