Programme and project news

Find out more about the main sources of energy for light, heat and other essential public and domestic services in the region.

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New innovative models for participative, user-centred, quality and sustainable public services aiming greener communities in remote areas.

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We warmly welcome you to the online conference Local Energy Communities: Pathways for a Sustainable and Renewable Future. The conference will be...

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Don't miss the next in our online programme of CINE TALKS:  Digital Possibilities for Data Collection and Presentation on 22 October 2020 at 15.00...

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Don't miss the next in our online programme of CINE TALKS:  What is Successful Co-production? on Thursday 29 October 2020 at 15.00 CET.

We will be...

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DISTINCT lead partner organised a workshop on disruptive technologies and attendees shared ideas, concerns and opinions about the use of these.

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Recording of webinar hosted by SMARTrenew partner Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OUAS) featuring presentations on NPA Interreg SMARTrenew...

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Over 40 participants across Europe learnt about the approach of DISTINCT to assist rural public service providers.

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Healthcare and distance spanning solutions work – they help to protect our most vulnerable citizens.

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