Programme and project news

The NPA Annual Conference was held virtually on September 23. A presentation of the SW-Grow project was given by project leader Andrew MacKenzie; the...

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Information about the decisions taken at the 2nd Programme Planning Group held online on 22nd September 2020.

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Find out more about what our ARCTIC PACER partners are doing toward a potent, patent-free drug!

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ARCTIC PACER partners are one of the finalists for the Regiostars Awards!

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PLACE-EE has researched, collated and recorded important cultural heritage across four rural and isolated regions of Europe (NI, Ireland, Iceland,...

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‘ChatPal is an exciting new app developed through a positive psychology ChatBot’ which has been designed to support users’ mental health and...

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ChatPal- Your Positive Psychology ChatBot’ is a new mental health app designed to support users’ mental health and wellbeing.

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SENDoc researcher Richard Davies presented his exciting paper entitled "Exploratory Gait Analysis using Wearable Technology" at the Collaborative...

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The 5th project approved in the NPA COVID-19 response call looks at citizens engagement and community response to the pandemic.

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"Communities' response and resilience to corona virus 19 – “CRR - COVID19” project addresses Theme “D” of the NPA COVID 19 response call - "Citizens...

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