Programme and project news

Its day 3 of the SMARTrenew #8DaysofRenewableEnergyInsights advent calendar!

Today we share insights from partner region, Ireland.

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The second of our two part webinar series took place on 17th Dec 2020, where SENDoc researchers Dr. Daniel Kelly, Dr. Karla Muñzo-Esquivel and Richard...

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Its day 2 of the SMARTrenew #8DaysofRenewableEnergyInsights advent calendar.

Today, we share insights from partner region, Finland.

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SMARCTIC project partners from Lapland explain how the energy is used during the winter months

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In early 2021 a new Clustering call for projects will offer the possibility to diverisfy and capitalise on project outputs and results.

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The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) has released the Energy in Ireland 2020 report, detailing energy usage across many sectors.


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It’s day 1 of the #SMARTrenew #8DaysofRenewableEnergyInsights advent calendar & we are kicking off with partner region, Northern Ireland.

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The Withdrawal Agreement between the EU and the UK means that projects will be able to continue as planned, under the same arrangements and rules as...

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Pick one or listen them all, these 3 podcasts produced by NPA projects, and 1 about Interreg, will be good infotainment during the winter holiday.

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During winter, people spend more time indoors and this fact impacts the energy usage.

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