Programme and project news

The aim of this survey is to gather perspectives from a range of stakeholders regarding the impact of Covid-19 on tourism activities. The survey...

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A new Clustering project, HEATER-Heat and Energy Empowerment and Education in Rural Areas, has been approved under the EU Interreg Northern Periphery...

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The Bridging Call for Preparatory projects closed on 8th October, 12.00 CET. By the deadline, the Joint Secretariat received 25 applications, of which...

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A new study by a team of researchers from UCC has been published in the Estuaries and Coasts journal.

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Recycling is Silver, Reuse is Gold

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Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme funded GREENER project has been featured at the Centria R&Ds newsletter. The Centria R&Ds newsletter reaches...

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HIE are collaborating with Norfima and the Iceland Ocean Cluster on a transnational project which aims to understand how new technologies can be used...

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View online the first project newsletter to find out more about the progress made: a Foresight Analysis, the NPA Disruptive Technologies Capacity...

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The GREENER/HEATER Joint Launch Conference, which took place on Tuesday the 4th of October is now available to watch on YouTube.

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The group were visiting Iceland to attend the Arctic Circle Assembly this week

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