Programme and project news

2nd Arctic Cluster Call is now open. Clustering projects applications are receivable until 30th April 2019

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W-Power project entered the networking world of Social Media! You can find us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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News is out in Greenland about the ARCTISEN project (in Danish only)

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Supported by PLACE-EE intergenerational workshops, older people in Limerick receive Acorn Tablets in a bid to tackle social isolation and loneliness.

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During the following months ARCTISEN partners continue to construct baseline studies on cultural sensitivity in the ARCTIC.

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Colourful skies of fireworks and New Year is a long tradition dating back centuries, and one cannot deny the spectacle it creates. In addition,...

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Louisburgh, Co. Mayo Community Futures held an open day in Louisburgh National School on Sat 19th January 2019.

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The event will highlight the Council’s pioneering climate adaptation and green infrastructure plans.

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The SHAPE project will publish its first newsletter in an electronic format in January. We are primarily doing this to make it easier to reach all of...

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LECo-partners and test community members participated in a study trip to Germany in November. The group attended workshops and visited exemplar Energy...

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