Programme and project news

Scientists from Iceland, Finland and Norway working with the NPA Smart-Fish research project visited Lerøy Aurora’s aquaculture farm near Sessøya in...

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Imagine having to travel for four hours by car and/or by boat, sometimes even longer, before your child gets to have her much needed acute session...

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Derry City & Strabane District Council (Northern Ireland, UK) has held the successful seminar.

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The Artic Light Ehealth Conference, ALEC, focused on how digital technology transforms health care. Several of the partners in RemoAge made...

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Derry City & Strabane District Council encouraging citizen participation on topics for the Local Development Plan

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Searching for what drives energy consumption and what can the Council do in order to improve its performance.

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This short introduction is meant to support community groups in improving the energy efficiency of buildings like schools, churches and village halls....

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Municipalities in Västernorrland (Sweden) have collaborated in several regional projects to create a more sustainable county.

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The IMPROVE partners talk about open data.

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Highland Radio (County Donegal, Ireland) is promoting the energy efficiency survey.

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