Programme and project news

Ticket link will be posted from next week!

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NPA funded SMARTrenew project hosts a seminar to discuss about the role of renewable energy in achieving Ireland's climate action targets.

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Green Day will take place in LYIT on Thursday 28 November from 9.30am to 2.30pm and along with the extensive range of exhibitors, it will include a...

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On November 18th 2019 Oulu University organised an information Seminar in Raahe, Finland to present and discuss activities in the Energy Pathfinder...

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29-30 April 2020

Lofoten, Norway (Svolvær and Kabelvåg)

OPEN CALL DEADLINE: 15 December 2019 (now extended to 31 December 2019)

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Female entrepreneurs from six countries across northern Europe travel to Jokkmokk, Sweden this week, to make business connections and develop their...

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A Webinar by Dr Caroline Engels Purcell, Head of Research and Peter Cox, Managing Director of Carrig Conservation International.


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"Lights, models, guest lists - just do your best darling!" And then the puffin was on the spotlight...

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Oil spill models are important tools for oil spill response authorities. But what do they do?

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