Announcement of the Arctic Project Award 2017 Finalists

The Arctic Project Awards 2017 competition was launched on the 11th August and closed on the 6th October 2017. The award has been designed to highlight exceptional projects focusing on topics of particular relevance to the Arctic area. The competition was open to projects funded by the NPA or NPP, Interreg Botnia-Atlantica, Interreg Nord and Kolarctic CBC programmes.

The competition has been extremely well received by projects funded by all participating programmes. The projects who entered the competition have shown how innovative and inspirational they are, with an ability to demonstrate a clear and concrete Arctic dimension giving direct benefits to Arctic communities.

The Arctic Project Awards rotates its categories yearly. This year’s categories were:

  1. Overcoming critical mass
  2. Sustainable use of resources.

The Judging Panel made up of representatives from all four programmes has the pleasure to announce the 6 finalists, 3 per category.

Category 1: Overcoming Critical Mass

 Category 2: Sustainable Use of Resources

The Arctic Cooperation Programmes wish all 6 finalists the best of luck.

The awards ceremony will take place on the 15th of November as part of the Interreg Nord Annual Conference. More details can be found in the Interreg Nord conference invitation.