Arctic Cluster event announces 2nd Arctic Cluster call

On November 7th, the Arctic Cooperation Programmes – Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme, Interreg Nord, Interreg Botnia-Atlantica, Kolarctic CBC and Karelia CBC and 116 participants met in Rovaniemi, Finland for the 2nd Arctic Project Clustering Event.

The objective of the project clustering event is to support the implementation of macro-regional and sea-basin strategies, to ensure better implementation of the cooperating projects, more efficient use of the funding, better results and wider dissemination of the results. During the day together participants heard presentation from Programme representatives and INTERACT, and shared a networking session to discuss 7 themes: Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Circular economy, Tourism, Energy efficiency, Environment, and Cultural and Natural Heritage.

The 7 themes are expected to be the basis for future clustering projects that will demonstrate activities and deliverables that go beyond the achievements of their individual projects, for example, involvement of a wider group of stakeholders, excellence in promoting the results to the relevant target audiences including policy makers, and enhanced business plans for products/services.

In the final presentation of the day, participants heard the pre-announcement of the forthcoming 2nd Cluster call for projects, which is planned to open on December 1st and end April 30th, 2019.Details such as the Terms of Reference, instructions and supporting documents will be available from December 1st, 2018 on the NPA web site in the tab "For Applicants".

For more information contact: Christopher Parker