The Monitoring Committee approved 22 projects out of 25 applications received. In total, approximately 1,2 million EUR was allocated, bringing the total commitment up to 98%.
The following projects were approved:
Projects in Priority 1 Innovation:
- Healthrum - Natural bioactive compounds with antiparasitic and anti-methanogenic activity in sheep and reindeer
- SUB - Sustainable Arctic and Peripheral Biking Tourism
- ArCorD - Arctic Low Carbon Concrete with outstanding Sustainability and Durable Properties
- RoboDemo - Demonstrations, Simulations and Piloting of New Generation Robotics in SMEs in the Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme Regions
- N-Lite - Literary Tourism Immersive Technology Acceleration
- DigiWild - Digital transformation of managing wild products
- HIVE - Heritage in Virtual Environments
- HALE - Looking to the future of innovation and technology in healthcare
- INNOCAP - Building public sector innovation capacity towards digital-driven NPA communities
Projects in Priority 2 Entrepreneurship:
- SSDM - Success for SMEs and Start-ups through better Decision Making
- SEED - Smart early export ecosystem development for SMEs
- Goals - Suitable Sustainability Goals for SMEs
- BERSE - Business Models Empowering Rural Social Entrepreneurship - voicing the rural norm
- HubMent - Smart Mentoring Platform Capability for Regional HUBs
- Tourism360 - A Circular Tourism Approach in Arctic Destinations
- BCT - Blue Circular Tech
- GLOW - Sustainable Green energy technoLogy solutions for tOurism growth
Projects in Priority 3 Energy Efficiency:
- SMEC - Sustainable Marine Energy Communities in the Northern and Periphery Regions
- Hybes - Hybrid energy solution for buildings, transportation, mobility, and infrastructure
Projects in Priority 4 Natural and Cultural Heritage:
- ArMo - Enhancing low-carbon solutions for Arctic mobilities in local and tourism contexts
- SWATCH - Hybrid energy solution for buildings, transportation, mobility, and infrastructure
- Living on the Edge - Transformative strategies for coastal ecosystem management
For a detailed overview of the 22 approved projects, please see the Bridging Call Approved Projects Overview.
All applicants will receive more detailed information from the Joint Secretariat.
At their meeting, the MC also decided the dates for the 1st INTERREG NPA 2021-2027 call. The call will be preannounced on 1st February 2022, and submission period will be from 17th March until 20th June 2022.