Clustering Call Project Decisions

The NPA 2014-2020 Monitoring Committee met on 8th June online, to decide on the projects applications submitted for the Clustering Call. The Monitoring Committee approved 6 projects out of the 9 applications received.

Congratulations to the 6 projects

6 In total approximately 1 million EUR was allocated, bringing the total commitment up to 96%.

The following projects were approved with conditions:

Projects in Priority 1 Innovation:

  • CADI SHAC -  Capitalising on digital innovations for heritage and capacity

Projects in Priority 2 Entrepreneurship

  • ETRAC - Ethical Tourism Recovery in Arctic Communities

 Projects in Priority 3 Energy Efficiency

  • GREENER - Clustering remote regions for energy resilience and growth
  • HEATER - Heat and energy education and empowerment for rural Areas

Projects in Priority 4 Natural and cultural heritage

  • PHIVE - Promoting heritage in virtual environments
  • POPCORN - Preventing oil and plastics contamination of ocean regions of the North

 For a detailed overview of the 6 approved projects, please see the Clustering Call Approved Projects Overview.

All applicants will receive more detailed information.

At their meeting, the MC also decided that there will be a Bridging Call targeting INTERREG NPA 2021-2027 themes. The call will be preannounced on 21st June, a webinar will present the Terms of Reference on 1st July while the submission period will be from 16th August until 8th October 2021.