Consequences of the Brexit for the NPA, what we can say so far…

On 23rd June, the United Kingdom voted via a referendum to leave the European Union. The exact consequences of this outcome for the Programme are unclear, probably for some time to come.

We understand that projects and applicants with UK partners (Scotland and Northern Ireland) have many questions.

What we can say so far is the following:

  • For now, the UK continues to be an EU Member State with all the associated rights and obligations, and we continue to apply fully the applicable programme rules.
  • Approved projects with UK partners should continue as planned. Your Grant Letters are still valid.
  • We will extend the Fourth Call deadline by two months, until 30th November 2016.
  • In September, the MC will decide if there is a need to further extend the Fourth Call deadline, and whether more detailed instructions need to be given for the involvement of UK partners.

When more information becomes available of relevance to projects and applicants, we will publish this on the programme website and through our Facebook channel.