Discover the achievements of the NPA projects on the new maps of results

Choose your travel destination among the 9 partner regions of the NPA programme. Open the map and let the people of the north guide you through the achievements of some of the NPA projects funded in the past seven years.

For each NPA region, we present the stories and personal experiences of people who participated in NPA projects and found it beneficial for their community, business or their daily life.

You will hear directly from those who have been working on the projects and those who have used the solutions developed by the NPA projects. We asked them to say what has worked in these projects, why they found it useful to participate, and what has changed for them.

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From reducing isolation of older people


Within the REMOAGE project, NHS Western Isles (Scotland) tested the role of a Social Navigator, helping older people overcome isolation.

This has made a great difference for Donald, a lonely pensioner. “I lost my wife four years ago, and as my family lives on the mainland I became more and more isolated, living in my own home. As an 82-year-old pensioner, I am still in fairly good health, but I didn't know how to find events in the community that I could attend to reduce the loneliness of staying home all day. The Social Navigator interviewed me and told me about local organizations and events that I could attend, which I did. I am very pleased and feel much better.”


To increasing participation of citizens


The BuSK project ran 2 surveys in Kittilä (Finland), which helped the municipality to measure citizens’ acceptance of the mining industry. The results revealed areas of potential conflicts and showed the citizens’ perspective on future large-scale industrial plans. The participants drew 88 places on the map, where mining related traffic accidents took place or where the industry’s impacts on the environment were found. Locals also marked 26 no-go-zones where they did not want new mines to open.  

Antti Jämsén, Major of Kittilä Municipality, told us that “for the municipality it is important to know how mining affects the well-being of residents and what the experienced impacts of mining are. Based on evidence, the municipality has launched an initiative to improve road safety. The research also supports municipal policy that new mining projects are not accepted near Levi tourist resorts. Environmental concerns are also taken seriously in the municipality.

These are just two examples of how working with partners across the NPA regions has had a direct impact on the lives of people in remote and rural areas.


It all happens in the Northern Periphery and Arctic programme


Regions in the Northern Periphery have more in common with each other than with the metropolitan areas in their own countries. The NPA provides the space for them to meet, learn from each other, and jointly develop dedicated solutions for their common challenges, where no other platform exists.


Note: The map series has been developed over the past few months. Therefore, it features the stories of approximately 20 out of 60 projects funded by the NPA. In the near future, it will be possible to read more stories from all projects in an interactive online map, where all projects and regions will be presented.