EU Arctic Policy – Have your say – Public consultation open until 10th November

In the face of new challenges and opportunities caused by climate change, the Arctic's increasing geo-political importance and the EU's ambitions under the European Green Deal, the European Commission has opened a public consultation to update its Arctic policy.


The European Union first introduced its Joint Communication on an integrated EU policy for the Arctic in April 2016. As its policy priorities, the EU chose (1) Climate change and the Arctic Environment, (2) Sustainable development, and (3) International cooperation. As part of a more joint cooperation in the Arctic, the NPA was given a mandate to coordinate the Arctic Cooperation - a collaborative network of 5 Interreg and ENI CBC programmes supporting projects for the people living in the Arctic.

Even though all the elements of the EU's Arctic Policy remain valid, the Commission is now seeking to receive input on the policy´s strengths and shortfalls, which would enable an informed decision on possible future actions.

The consultation covers aspects that have been addressed by NPA projects and by the Arctic Cluster projects, such as the sustainable use and development of the economic potential across the Arctic regions, and the needs of Arctic communities and indigenous peoples. Another question directly looks into regional cooperation and its benefit for the Arctic region.

The consultation is open to the public, in particular to:

1. EU Member States
2. Arctic states and other (neighbouring) states with an interest in the Arctic region
3. local municipalities
4. international organisations
5. NGOs
6. indigenous peoples and local communities
7. financial institutions
8. socio-economic partners
9. academia
10. (other) civil society

The Northern Periphery and Arctic programme stakeholders are invited to contribute to this open consultation and shape a European Arctic policy that includes what territorial cooperation can do for the communities in the Arctic regions.

The consultation consists of a 10 question survey available online until 10th November at 23:59 CET.

The questionnaire is available in all official EU languages and answers can be submit in any official EU language.

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