Fifth Call Project Decisions

The NPA 2014-2020 Monitoring Committee met on 12th June in Kirkenes, Norway, to decide on the applications submitted for the Fifth Call. The Monitoring Committee approved 9 projects out of the 29 applications received.

In total, approximately 10,5 million EUR was allocated, bringing the total commitment up to 85% of the programme funding. 

The following 9 projects were approved with conditions:

  • Priority Axis 1:


  • Priority Axis 2

    • W-POWER
    • BizMentors
    • BLITZ
    • Digi2Market
    • BCE

  • Priority Axis 3:

    • SMARTrenew

For a detailed overview of the 9 approved projects, please see the Fifth Call Approved Projects Overview

All applicants will receive more detailed information as soon as the meeting minutes have been finalised and approved by the Chair.

Next Call
At their meeting, the MC also decided that the Sixth Call will run from the first week of July  to 30 November 2018. The Terms of Reference for the call will be based on an analysis of thematic gaps.

Preparatory Projects
Please note that a continuous call for preparatory projects is open. You can find guidance about the purpose and minimum requirements for preparatory projects in chapter 1.6 of the Programme Manual. The application pack can be found on the Preparatory Project Page, which will also be updated in connection with the launch of the Sixth Call.