First NPA Webinar for applicants

Applicants to the 5th call are invited to join the Facebook live Q&A on 14th February from 11:00 to 11:30 (Copenhagen time).

Two Desk Officers will be available on Facebook to answer questions about the 5th call. Applicants are welcome to join and write their queries in the comments, the Desk Officers will reply live.

The webinar will last half an hour, from 11:00 to 11:30, Copenhagen time. This is the first time the NPA organises an online event. We hope it will be a success and that thanks to this format the programme will be even more accessible to all interested parties.

The 5th call application deadline is 28 February, so this will be one of the last opportunities to clear any doubts about eligibility, eMS, partnership, budget or any other issues. A How to Apply seminar took place on 18th January at the JS premises. All slides from this event are available here.

Like the Northern Periphery and Arctic Facebook page and sign in to the event to follow the live Q&A session.

We hope to see you soon!