Fourth Call information

The Monitoring Committee has decided that the Fourth Call for main project applications will open on 1st May and close on 30th September 2016. Project decisions will be taken by the Monitoring Committee in December 2016.

The call will be open for all 4 Priority Axes. However, Terms of Reference (ToRs) are under development for each Priority Axis to encourage projects to address specific actions, target groups, and sectors highlighted by the Monitoring Committee. These ToRs will be decided on by the Monitoring Committee on 24th February 2016. They will be published in mid-March 2016.

If you are interested in applying, we recommend that you get in touch with the Regional Contact Point in your area. Alternatively, you can contact Christopher Parker at the Joint Secretariat, tel. +45 3283 3782, e-mail: christopher.parker{at}

To encourage the development of good quality applications, project idea holders are recommended to apply for a preparatory project. The preparatory project call is ongoing, which means that applications can be submitted at any time. The approval process takes approximately 1 month from the date of submission. Decisions for preparatory projects are made by the Joint Secretariat. You can find more information and the application pack on the Preparatory Project Page.