Get ready for the Arctic Project Awards 2018!

The second edition of the Arctic Awards competition will open in April and run until end of May 2018. The award highlights good practice projects focused on topics of particular relevance to the Arctic area.

Arctic Awards 2018 logo

The objective of the Arctic Award is to identify good practice, promote Arctic cross-border collaboration, and raise awareness among projects of each other. The awards aim to highlight innovative projects with a clear Arctic dimension, which are viewed as inspirational in their participating regions as well as being seen as creating real, measurable impacts on the ground, and being of direct benefit to Arctic communities.


This year, the Arctic Awards focus on the following two award categories:

Arctic entrepreneurial spirit

  • The project supports core entrepreneurial skills required for people with multiple incomes (employment/self-employment/micro companies).
  • The project supports businesses based on Arctic products and cultural heritage (food, tourism, creative industries, indigenous)

Cold climate opportunities

  • Technological innovations specific for cold climates (transport, housing, textile, materials, mining)
  • Preparedness and risk prevention (healthcare, search & rescue)

The competition is open to projects funded by the NPA or NPP, Interreg Botnia-Atlantica, Interreg Nord and Kolarctic CBC programmes.


The competition opening day and further details will be announced soon on this website. The closing date for submission will be 31st May 2018. Finalists will be announced at the end of June.