How to Apply Webinar: watch the video

Questions from 5th call applicants were answered by the Joint Secretariat staff, the video is available for watching on Facebook.

Today the Desk Officers and Head of Secretariat hosted the first webinar of the Northern Periphery and Arctic programme dedicated to applying for funds under the 5th call.

Approximately 40 questions were addressed, from new and experienced applicants to NPA calls. The questions covered aspects concerning the availability of funds per Priority, the mandatory attachments to be submitted with the application, as well as technical matters about using the eMS. The video is still available for watching on the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme Facebook page, here you can directly watch it.

The Programme also hosted a How to Apply seminar on 18th January, all the slides presented are available for download on the event page.

Applications to the 5th call can be submitted via the eMS until 28 February 23:59 CET. Questions are always welcome, just send an email to secretariat{at}

Thanks to all the participants to the Webinar and good luck with your applications!