Interreg cooperation celebrates 30 years of working together for a better Europe!

During 2020, the NPA will be well represented in different activities celebrating 30 years of Interreg, both individually and together with other programmes. This provides opportunities for NPA projects to be showcased.

The Northern Periphery and Arctic programme is one of the over 100 cooperation programmes established by the EU Commission across regions within Europe, as well as with neighbouring countries and overseas territories.

In 1990 the European Territorial Cooperation, better known as Interreg, was created to “PROMOTE A HARMONIOUS ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE UNION AS A WHOLE”. For working towards this objective, the Interreg programmes were established with a budget dedicated to funding cooperation projects across regions which share similar challenges and opportunities.
It is the result of the work of the projects addressing the challenges and harvesting the opportunities, which concretely contributes to improving the lives of the EU citizens. After 30 years it’s time to celebrate what we have achieved together!

The celebrations throughout 2020 will provide the opportunity to demonstrate the achievements so far. In order to show how much territorial cooperation has already contributed to many of the challenges that Europe currently faces, the celebration will focus on three highly relevant topics:

Neigbourhood Cohesion: EU cooperation programmes have been helping neighbours work together to develop strong communities along borders, internal and external. For 30 years, thousands of EU-funded projects have been bringing concrete benefits to EU border regions and beyond, building trust and respect among people from communities sharing a common space.

Green Connections: Borders do not always limit rivers, mountains, forests or lakes. Borders do not prevent flora and fauna from crossing them. Air, water, land pollution and the use of common resources do not recognise national boundaries. To preserve this treasure for generations to come, Interreg has fostered cooperation in environmental matters for 30 years.
In addition, a green and climate neutral Europe cannot be achieved if we all work in isolation but only through cooperation. That is what Interreg stands for.

Youth Cooperation: For 30 years, Interreg and cooperation policy has found solutions for young people. How? Working together, building partnerships and sharing knowledge to improve educational level, qualifications, skills, international competences and job opportunities for all and to make “an economy that works for people”. Young generations are the future of cooperation, the future of Europe.

Throughout the year there will be several occasions to showcase the NPA project results, not only through events and promotional efforts organized by the programme, but also jointly with other Interreg programmes, and at large events organized in collaboration with the European Commission and INTERACT. The Secretariat will be in touch with the projects directly for engagement in these activities.

For more information you are welcome to contact the Secretariat.