Interreg NPA 2021-2027 first call postponed

The opening of the First Call for main project proposals is postponed until 27th April. Consequently, the "How to Apply" event will be rescheduled to the same date.

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Update your calendars! The Interreg NPA 2021-2027 First Call will open on 27th April instead of 17th March.

In light of recent developments, the Monitoring Committee decided to postpone their meeting scheduled for 16th March, and thereby the launch of the First Call for projects originally scheduled on 17th March.

The First call will open on 27th April and for now, the call deadline on 20th June, and the decision date on 29th September will remain unchanged.

Meanwhile, the programme encourages all project idea holders to continue developing their projects together with partners from inside the Interreg NPA area, based on the information published in the call pre-announcement on 1st February.

The "NPA in Person!" event planned on 19th May is confirmed at the moment, and we look forward to meeting as many potential partners as possible!