Interreg NPA 2021-2027 submitted to the EU Commission

The new Cooperation Programme document was submitted on 8th February by the Managing Authority.

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The Cooperation Programme of the Interreg NPA 2021-2027 is the document outlining the strategy, rationale, priorities, and budget of the programme for the next seven years. It is the result of experts' analysis, several rounds of consultations with representatives of the countries and regions involved, as well as public consultations. More information about the programming process are available at this link.

Once finalised, the Cooperation Programme had to be approved by the governments of all partner countries participating. With the last approval received on 7th February, on the following day the Managing Authority has submitted the document to the European Commission (EC) for official approval by means of an implementing act.

The submitted Cooperation Programme document can be downloaded at the bottom of this page, a reader-friendly version will become available in the near future.

Next steps

The EC should approve each Interreg programme within 5 months from the date of the first submission of the programme. In case of amendments, the process might take a little longer.

Pending official approval, the Monitoring Committee of the Interreg NPA 2021-2027 has decided to launch the first call for projects on 17th March 2022 with deadline on 20th June 2022 (read the pre-announcement). The project applications will be assessed during the summer period for a funding decisions to be made by the Monitoring Committee sitting in September 2022.

While the Programme Manual and guidance documents are being prepared, information about the programme can be found here, and on Facebook and Twitter following the hashtag #NPA2021_2027.