Interreg NPA 2nd Call applications overview

The Second Call for Projects closed on 5th December 2022, 12:00 CET. By the deadline, the Joint Secretariat received 9 applications, of which all have been deemed eligible.

The applications were received in all three NPA Priorities, as indicated below:

  • Priority 1- Strengthening the innovation capacity for resilient and attractive NPA communities: 4 applications
  • Priority 2 - Strengthening the capacity for climate change adaptation, and resource sufficiency in NPA communities: 4 applications
  • Priority 3: Strengthening the organisational capacity among NPA communities to make use of cooperation opportunities: 1 application

The applications have now passed the first step of the assessment, admissibility and eligibility check, and will in the next weeks undergo a quality assessment. There, the Joint Secretariat will among other things, look at the fit of the project with the specific objective, partnership composition, coherent and logical set up, and whether the project budget presents value-for-money.

Following the quality assessment, the Regional Advisory Groups (RAGs) from all participating countries will conduct an appraisal of the applications, looking at the project ideas, partnerships, and possible synergies from a regional perspective.

Based on this assessment process, the Monitoring Committee of the Interreg 2021-2027 Programme will decide on the proposals approved for funding at their meeting on 22nd March 2023.