Interreg NPA First Call: Facts & figures

The First Call for Main projects closed on 20th June 2022, 12.00 CET. By the deadline, the Joint Secretariat recieved 19 applications, of which all have been deemed eligible.

Facts & Figures about the Interreg NPA First call applications

The applications were received in two NPA Priorities, as indicated below:

  •  Priority 1- Strengthening the innovation capacity for resilient and attractive NPA communities: 12 applications received
  • Priority 2 - Strengthening the capacity for climate change adaptation, and resource sufficiency in NPA communities: 7 applications received

An overview of the applications by partners per country, type of partners, and Specific Objective can be found in the picture to the right.

The applications will now enter a technical assessment procedure involving the Joint Secretariat and the Regional Advisory Groups.

The eligible project applications will be presented to the Monitoring Committee for a decision on 29th September 2022. The Lead Partners will be informed about the MC decision via email by the Joint Secretariat in the days following the meeting.