Join the 7th call webinar on this coming Thursday!

Meet the Secretariat on August 1st at 11:00 Copenhagen time at the live webinar about the 7th call, learn about all the novelties and ask your questions about this special call for projects.

The 7th call for projects opened on 1st July and will run until 30th September.

The call is organised in 3 strands, one for regular Main projects and two for more experimental type of projects, respecitvely focusing on Capitalisation and Disruptive technologies.

The Terms of Reference describe the type of projects sought under each Strand, the specific structure of each project and the submission procedure. In fact, we introduced a two-step procedure for projects under Strand 2 and Starnd 3 with a deadline submission for Expressions of Interest on August 12th, describing the essential elements of the project idea. Submitting and Expression of Interest is an opportunity to get targeted assistance from the Secretariat while developing your project, but it is not a mandatory requirement. If you do not wish to prepare an Expression of Interest, you will still be able to submit a full project application by the closing date of the call. 


How to join the webinar

Connect to the NPA Facebook page at 11:00 and click on the live video to follow the event. Post your questions in the comment section and we will answer live.


There are a few important dates and deadlines to remember:

  • Deadline to submit Expressions of Interest (Strand 2 and Strand 3): 7th August
  • eMS opens for Strand 2 and Strand 3 applications: 12th August
  • Registration to the How to apply seminar by: 13th August
  • How to apply seminar in Umeå (Sweden): 29th August
  • Finnish applicants deadline for national cofunding: 30th August


National infodays coming up:

  • For Swedish applicants: 30th August in Umeå.
    Ask Mikael for more information.
  • For Scottish applicants: 10th September in Inverness.
    Ask Kateryna for more information.