Message for applicants in connection to the Brexit

This is an update about the consequences of the Brexit for applicants targeting the Fourth Call. It has been decided by the Monitoring Committee Chair, the MA and JS, that there will be no further extension of the Fourth Call deadline, 30th November 2016. Project decisions will be made at the next Monitoring Committee meeting on 2nd March 2017. Applicants are recommended to proceed as planned.

The UK Treasury will issue an Autumn Statement on 23rd November 2016. The UK Chancellor Philip Hammond has previously stated that any funding allocated to EU projects contracted up to that point would be guaranteed by the UK government. According to a new statement from 3rd October on the website, “the Chancellor has now extended this guarantee to the point at which the UK departs the EU” for projects meeting certain conditions.  

Exactly how this may affect the Fourth Call project decisions is not clear. In case of new developments, the programme will get back with further news.