New Communication Manager appointed

A new Programme Manager for Communication has been appointed at the Programme Secretariat, Ms. Michela Schliesser Gaifami.

Michela Gaifami

Michela started her work at the Programme Secretariat on 3rd of January 2018. Her main task will be communication. Besides this, she will be system administrator and developer for the electronic monitoring system, eMS.

Michela is not new to the Programme, in 2013 she has been working as Desk Officer at the Northern Periphery Programme. During that time she also assisted with some communication activities and carried out a feasibility analysis for the 2014-2020 monitoring system. Her experience with Interreg started in 2006 working as project developer and communication manager for project Lead Partners. In 2010 she moved to Munich, in Germany, to take the position as Project Officer at the Alpine Space Programme Secretariat, where she learned the fundamental work of the Secretariat. After one year at the Northern Periphery Programme, Michela headed further north, to Viborg in northern Denmark, where she contributed to the design of the first of Interact’s Project Management Camps, among other tasks.

In her own words: "It is fantastic to be back at the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme! I am thrilled to start on this new position as Programme Manager for Communication and make my little contribution to European cooperation from yet another angle”. Michela is originally from Italy, but proudly feels European.

We welcome back Michela into the NPA family!