New dates for the 4th and 5th Call for projects

The Monitoring Committee decided to extend the duration of the Fourth Call for main projects. New dates were also agreed for the Fifth Call, while Preparatory project calls are suspended.

At their meeting in Copenhagen on 27th September 2023, the Monitoring Committee of the Interreg NPA programme agreed on a new schedule of the prospective call for project proposals.

4th Call for Main Projects - From 11th October 2023 to 2nd February 2024

The MC decided that the call duration is extended to 2nd February 2024, instead of 17th November as originally planned. An online launch event is scheduled on 11th October.
Registration is open at this link.

The main rationale is to give project idea holders more time to network and develop high quality applications. In addition, more project development support activities can be planned by the Joint Secretariat and Regional Contact Points. Changing the call end date means that decisions will take place at an MC meeting on 29th May 2024.

5th Call for Main Projects - From 11th June 2024 to 30th September 2024

The Fifth Call is then planned to open shortly after, on 11th June with a deadline on 30th September 2024. Decisions will take place at an MC meeting in December 2024. It is expected that the Fifth Call will be the last broad main call for the time being, in view of the funding situation.

Preparatory project calls are suspended

According to the original call schedule, the next preparatory project call was planned to open in January 2024. The Monitoring Committee decided not to open this call since the Fourth Call will still be open. The MC will review the situation after the Fourth Call decisions.