New Head of Secretariat appointed

From 1st January 2018, the Joint Secretariat will be led by a person well known to the NPA community, Ms Kirsti Mijnhijmer, who currently holds the position as Programme Manager for Information and Communication. She is replacing Ole Damsgaard, who will leave the programme by the end of the year.

Kirsti Mijnhijmer has been with the NPA programme since 2008 and she has led several major projects over the years, such as writing the NPA 2014-2020 Cooperation Programme document and the implementation of the electronic monitoring system, eMS.

Since graduating as a Master of Arts, Kirsti has been working in international environments. She has longstanding experience of Interreg programmes and she was previously employed for four years by the Interreg North Sea Region Programme Secretariat, where she held the position as Information and Communication Officer.

Kirsti is looking forward to the new position leading the JS team, and continued efforts to find better and new ways to implement solutions, always with a human and creative touch.

Contact details:

Ms Kirsti Mijnhijmer
Tel: +45 3283 3784
E-mail: kirsti.mijnhijmer{at}