New preparatory project types

The Monitoring Committee is pleased to introduce two supplementary types of preparatory projects: clustering and micro projects. In addition, from now on, regular preparatory projects applications should be submitted via the NPA Electronic Monitoring System (eMS).

Clustering projects
To support the implementation of macro-regional and sea-basin strategies, the MC is encouraging clustering activities between ongoing projects. Clustering activities can take place between projects from different programmes dealing with the same theme or projects that are addressing the same territorial challenges. The cooperation has to take place between projects funded by different cooperation programmes and the objective is to ensure better implementation of the cooperating projects, more efficient use of the funding, better results and wider dissemination of the results.

The clustering project call will be open until 30th September 2017.

Micro projects
Micro projects are meant for building up capacity and experience for representatives for specific under represented groups (women, young people, and indigenous peoples) in relation to the NPA programme. The ambition is on the one side that partners who have been involved in micro projects in the future shall be better suited for engagement in main projects as partners. On the other side, micro projects might complement main projects and support the Programme to foster changes that are of importance for people living in the programme area.

The micro project call is a continuous call, which means that applications can be submitted at any time.

For more information about clustering and micro projects, see the Terms of Reference below.

Application Pack
You can find the preparatory project application pack on the Preparatory Project Call page, including all relevant documents such as the application form and guidance documents, most importantly the Programme Manual. Application documents for the clustering and micro projects can be found on the relevant sub pages.

Decision process
Decisions on preparatory projects are made by the Joint Secretariat. The call is ongoing, which means that applications can be submitted at any time. The approval process takes approximately 1 month from submission. Note: During the summer period, it will not be possible to keep the 1-month processing time due to summer vacations.

If you are interested in applying, we recommend that you get in touch with the Regional Contact Point in your region. Alternatively, you can contact Christopher Parker at the Joint Secretariat, christopher.parker{at}