NPA Annual Implementation Report 2021 approved

The Annual Implementation Report for the year 2021 was approved by the European Commission.

The Annual Implementation Report 2021 gives an account of progress made by projects and by the programme during 2021.

During 2021, two small project calls were held, in an effort to allocate the remaining programme funds, improve the uptake of results, and prepare for the new period: a Clustering projects call and a Bridging projects call. 

Clustering projects are small projects that combine 2 or more NPA projects, or projects from other Interreg programmes. The Clustering call focussed on diversifying and capitalising on outputs and results; further integrating results, as well as disseminating their impacts. Thus, reaching a wider group of stakeholders, supplementary learning, and capacity building. SIx projects were approved.

Bridging projects are preparatory projects, whose main purpose is to build a project pipeline for future main projects in the new programme, keep momentum, thus allowing for a strong start. Secondly, to explore in practice the different themes proposed in the new programme. Twenty-two projects were approved by the Monitoring Committee in December 2021.

Many ongoing main projects remained affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the pandemic, the majority of projects required a project extension and budget changes in order to finalise their project successfully. During 2021, the programme administration continued working with projects so that by December 2021, 23 projects had received extensions.

By the end of the year, 53 856 917 Euro or 95,5% of the total NPA funding for projects was allocated, when taking into account de-commitments from finalized projects.

Below you can find both a citizens summary as well as the full report.

Previous Annual Implementation Reports and summaries can be found on the Programme Documents page.